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Herbs and Condiment

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Flavor and Spirit

Where will your journey take you?

Green Juices

Thought of Trying Some Plant-based Recipes?

Learn how to make plant-based versions of your favorite foods. From your weeknight go-to's to your favorite snacks to holiday dishes! We've created dishes of every cuisine and all skill levels.

We used to be skeptical about the taste of food made without animal fat, but it hadn't occurred to us that just as we never made chicken without seasoning the heck out of it first, it was that combination of seasonings and spices that made the dish, regardless of where the fat came from!  Here are some helpful pointers we think readers might find useful!

Check out some of our most commonly asked tips and tricks for transitioning to a plant-based diet, or even just to help incorporate more plant dishes into your diet!

Does it matter?

Of course it does,  but if you're like us, the simple answer just won't do., which was why we wanted to share what we have found to be very helpful information to help you make a decision based on what feels right to you!

Green Leaves

Holistic Health
Tips & News

What Studies Have Revealed About Meditation

We once thought it was an impossible ordeal of sitting silently for hours-on-end, but were pleasantly surprised at how easy it became! We all have our reasons for wanting to calm the mind and learn to control our thoughts and reactions. But we explored just how beneficial meditation really is and were even more surprised by what we learned!

It's not just for spiritual or religious people, but anyone that could use help with things like:

  • memory

  • cognitive function

  • mindfulness

  • coping

  • anger

  • stress

  • anxiety

  • ... and much more!


Buddhist Monk Meditating

Keep an eye out for more information coming soon! We highly recommend researching some information on your own, but we have also provided a link to some interesting data collected by Harvard University!

Organic Farmer

Did you know?

If the world adopted a plant-based diet we would reduce global agricultural land use from 4 to 1 billion hectares.

We know how unrealistic that is... at least for now. But just knowing that goes to show how much of an impact we can make.

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